Get Booking Changelog List
Get Booking Changelog List
Get the list of a booking changelogs to which the user has access.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
venueId | integer | The id of the venue |
bookingId | integer | The id of the booking |
perPage | integer | The number of changelogs to get in a single call |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
orderBy | string | Sort Results: Support Parameter 'name' |
The result from this call will be the list of booking changelogs.
Example Request
Booking Changelog
Property | Type | Description |
id | integer | The unique id of the booking changelog |
venueId | integer | The id of the venue to which the booking changelog belongs |
bookingId | integer | The id of the booking to which the booking changelog belongs |
beoId | integer | The id of the beo to which the booking changelog belongs |
sessionId | integer | The id of the session to which the booking changelog belongs |
recordedByUserId | integer | The id of the user who recorded the booking changelog |
refType | The reference type to which the booking changelog belongs | |
refId | integer | The reference Id of the booking changelog |
noteText | string | The note text of the booking changelog |
createdDate | timestamp | The date & time the booking changelog was created |
modifiedDate | timestamp | The date & time the booking changelog was last modified |
Booking Changelog Reference Type
Value | Description |
1 | Booking |
2 | Accommodation |
3 | Session |
4 | Menu |
5 | Beverage |
6 | Resource |
7 | Product |
8 | Contact |
9 | Additional Item |
11 | Package |
12 | Setup Requirement |
Last updated